Friday, April 25, 2008

032006...time the arrival of the God Of Death

032006, is the gloriousness time in my life duringn this 23 years since I were born. I'm the top student in my Art College. This month, is my turn to present my Art Work for my final year. It took me a very long time to prepare it. All the Art Works are my hard work and still hard work...all are just like my children...

My Art Works are delivered back from the framing children look more perfect after children are aranged nicely in the presentation hall to welcome the coming of tomorrow, that's my graduation day's...However, I feel dizzy and weak after that. My hairs are fall off critically and I just feel exhausted....thinking of perhaps I'm to tired...need to get a good rest after exam for a period of time...

My Art Works are the best, I were praised and glorify by everyone in the hall, I got the GPA of 3.78...this is the repay for my hard work in this 3 years, and it is also what I deserved.
But, this is also the time the arrival of the God Of Death, in front of me..."he"...decided to let me have a rest, and took away my gloriousness life time in this 23years.

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